Neshannock Keeps You Notified

Website feature allows for text alerts
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Stay in the loop with “Notify Me,” an exciting feature on the Township’s new website.  Notify Me allows users to subscribe to news and announcements from Neshannock Township.  Receive timely updates, emergency alerts, and informative messages right to your email box.

Signing up is easy –

  1. Click on “Notify Me” on the Neshannock Township Homepage
  2. Enter your email address in text box provided
  3. Click on the boxes of the alerts you would like to receive
  4. Click on “Subscribe” at the bottom of the page

The Notify Me system is convenient, immediate, and informative.  However, if you subscribe and decide later that you don’t want to hear from the Township, that’s ok, too.  Simply follow the steps above and click “Unsubscribe” at the end.