Neshannock Township Comprehensive Plan

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Neshannock Township to Update Comprehensive Plan

The Board of Supervisors of Neshannock Township is undertaking a five-year update to the Township’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan—Our Community’s Plan for the Future. This update—Neshannock 2030—will be developed over an 18-month period beginning in May, and will be facilitated by Strategic Solutions, LLC.

The Township’s existing Comprehensive Plan empowers Neshannock Supervisors to encourage and manage growth through land use and development strategies, enhanced recreational opportunities and other key issues, in accordance with current demographic and socioeconomic data. Significant portions of the 2017 Plan have been implemented, including: adopting a future land use map as a blueprint for growth, construction of improvements at Pearson Park, and promoting economic development opportunities, including new business investment at Millennium.

Neshannock is innovatively leveraging a storymap to craft its comprehensive plan, providing a dynamic and interactive platform that visually communicates the community's vision, goals, and strategies for sustainable development.

Neshannock 2030 will further the Township’s ability to advance additional recommendations from the current plan, evaluate the community’s evolving needs and opportunities, update relevant data, and refine strategies for growth.